The 2010 Report on local finance devotes a special section to the anniversary date of Italy’s unification and how this has fostered uniformity in public finance. The roots of the federalist proposals put forward by recent government policies can in fact be traced back to this time of history. This work analyses the emerging model of federalism and highlights some outstanding issues, particularly those related to public finance in Tuscany. By going over the events from Italian unification to the present day, the book offers some preliminary estimations of how the ongoing reform might affect the financial relationships between the Region and local authorities.

IRPET, 2010
ISBN 978-88-6517-024-3

Autore: Coordinamento di Giovanni Maltinti.
Gruppo di lavoro: Claudia Ferretti, Giovanni Maltinti, Giulia Peruzzi (IRPET); Letizia Ravagli (Regione Toscana). Parte speciale:150 anni di governo locale in Toscana: Giulia Falcone (IRPET).