After an awful 2012, during which Tuscany has lost about one million tourists, and the substantial stagnation of 2013 (-0.03% in tourist numbers compared to 2012), that resulted from two opposing dynamics, the drop of Italians and the significant increase of foreigners, once again tourist numbers and arrivals have started to appreciably grow in 2014. In fact, both tourist numbers (+1.2) and arrivals (+2.9) rose. As compared to the previous years, the contributions of the domestic and foreign components have inverted their sign. Two thousand fourteen was in fact characterized by the long awaited rebound of national tourists (+2.5), while the increase of foreign tourists slowed down (+0.1). A particular attention should be paid to this particular result, considering the significant increases of the previous years (+16.3% since 2007, +33% since 2000).

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