This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the Regional Institute for Economic Planning of Tuscany (IRPET). To celebrate this event, IRPET organizes a series of scientific meetings on the topics of main interest of the institute throughout its history. 

On Monday 25 February 2019, in Florence, Spadolini Auditorium in Via Cavour 4 at 2.30 pm, the fourth scientific meeting will be held: “Public Finance and Institutional Reforms” with Giampaolo Arachi (University of Salento), Maria Teresa Monteduro (Economic Studies and Research Department tax, Department of Finance MEF) and Alberto Zanardi (Parliamentary Budget Office and University of Bologna).

Speakers: Chiara Agnoletti, Claudia Ferretti, Giuseppe Francesco Gori and Patrizia Lattarulo (IRPET)

IV seminario 50mo IRPET 25.02.2019

"Verso assetti istituzionali differenziati: regionalismo asimmetrico e città metropolitane" di Chiara Agnoletti
"La fiscalità locale tra nodi da sciogliere e riforme mancate" di Claudia Ferretti
"Efficienza della spesa pubblica in tempi di crisi Il ruolo degli investimenti" di Giuseppe Gori
"Finanza pubblica e riforme istituzionali"