cover CPI 2017

Job centres (Centri per l’Impiego – CPI) represent the point of entry to the labour services and policies offered by the regional network of job-seeking facilities. The active policies for labour comprise an array of tools and measures aimed at improving the functioning of the labour market, also by combating marginalization of the most disadvantaged categories of workers.

The present report is intended to draw an identikit of people addressing the Job centres which operate in the Tuscan territory, and provide an overview of their level of satisfaction with the specific actions aimed at them, of the employment outcomes they achieved, and of their family economic conditions. In details, the research has been oriented to: i) analyze the personal, employment and family data of CPI users; ii) monitor the degree of satisfaction with the overall assistance provided to them and with the single actions taken in their favour, possibly separated by Province in which the CPI is situated, and so highlight the strengths and weaknesses in the supply of these services; and iii) identify the users’ occupational status and family conditions after having availed themselves of one of CPI’s actions.

In order to meet the research objectives, we used a direct survey carried out by means of the CATI method on Tuscan CPI users who had benefitted from at least one action in the period comprised between April 2015 and March 2016. The survey was based on a sample of 2.028 individuals chosen from the universe of users who addressed a Tuscan CPI during the period under study.

Author: Donatella Marinari and Letizia Ravagli; telephone survey and statistical data processing by IZI spa.

Attachments: Downloadable report

Publication details: IRPET – Tuscany Region, March 2017