The aim of this work is to assess to which extent the private R&D projects that applied for public support in the recent R&D programmes implemented in Tuscany are aligned with the technological domains listed in the roadmaps that translate the priorities of the regional Smart Specialisation strategy into practice. To this end, we perform a systematic review and qualitative meta-analysis of all the available publications and documents that were commissioned by Tuscany’s regional government and that may serve our purpose. Results suggest that private R&D projects that applied for regional funding are somewhat aligned with the contents of the roadmaps, although there are some relevant exceptions.

cover Analisi della coerenza tra roadmap RIS3 e progetti presentati nei bandi 2018

Autore: Marco Mariani

Dicitura Bibliografica: Irpet, novembre 2017
Committente: Regione Toscana - Autorità di Gestione del POR FESR