60th Annual ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures. Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe

Intervengono Tommaso Ferraresi e Sara Turchetti

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Under the umbrella topic “Territorial Futures – Visions and Scenarios for a resilient Europe”, it aims at providing a quick and updated overview of the main territorial developments and their current/potential implications on the domains of Regional Science.

Researchers from Europe and the Rest of the World will enjoy unique networking opportunities and create a vibrant scientific atmosphere by enjoying our several planned activities.

Per l’IRPET partecipano:

S04-S2 “Geography of COVID-19 outbreak and policy answers in regions and cities”
martedì, 24 agosto 2021, 14:30 – 16:00
On the economic and health impact of the Covid-19 shock on Italian regions: A value-chain approach
Tommaso Ferraresi, Leonardo Ghezzi, Fabio Vanni, Mattia Guerini, Francesco Lamperti, Giorgio Fagiolo, Alessandro Caiani, Mauro Napoletano, Andrea Roventini, Severin Reissl
 S49-S2 “The impact of COVID-19 on alternative and local food systems (ALFS) and the potential for sustainability transition – case studies and theoretical considerations”

venerdì, 27 agosto 2021, 12:00 – 14:00

The food supply chain in Tuscany and the contribution of the short food supply chain. An input-output approach.

Sara Turchetti

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