Interviene Tommaso Ferraresi
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Global E-Festival online
Global E-Festival, 2-18 Giugno 2021
2020 was the most extraordinary of years when conferences have been cancelled or postponed and normal flows of researcher engagement and networking have been heavily disrupted. So, what is the plan for 2021, a year in which we all hope that vaccines will roll out globally and we will slowly see a welcome return to more social interaction? A small number of societies and research-led organisations have come together and agreed that rather than run competing events we will contribute to co-hosting a festival of regional and related research. This multi-partner event will run globally, online from 2nd June – 18th June 2021. Read on to learn more about it.
Regione Toscana - Sala Pegaso di Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati, piazza Duomo 10 a Firenze | Interviene P. Lattarulo
IRPET - Sala delle Robbiane - Via Pietro Dazzi 1 a Firenze | Intervengono E. Giani, L. Marras e N. Sciclone
Sala Conferenze dell'Hotel Centrale - Piazza Verdi 2 a Piombino | Interviene N. Faraoni