IRPET was founded in 1968 as the technical and scientific branch of the Regional Committee for Economic Planning of Tuscany (Comitato regionale per la programmazione economica della Toscana, CRPET) with responsibility for carrying out preliminary studies for the institution of the regional administration. In 1974, it became a public body by law of the Tuscany Region. The present organization of the Institute was established by Tuscan Regional Law No. 59 dated 29 July 1996, with subsequent modifications and additions, whose last update was on 24 March 2011.
On the basis of Regional Law No. 59 dated 29.07.1996, and subsequent modifications and integrations, IRPET is responsible for: a) studying the region’s socio-economic structure and its transformations, economic trends and relative analytical tools;
IRPET Program
As customary, the ongoing yearly Program focuses on the line of reasoning drawn in the three-year program, and consists of two separate sections: the first comprises the statutory activities and relates to the Institute’s ordinary endowment funds, while the second comprises the joint activities financed by European and national funds.